Unsplash API Random Image

Unsplash API Random Image

Unsplash is a great resource to get free, high quality images. They have an API that allows you to get random images based on a search query...

Starting a new website

Starting a new website

It's been long overdue that I have anything on this website other than either links to my LinkedIn and Github or a pseudo resume (that was a while ago).

Smart Home
Smart Heatpump

Smart Heatpump

As outlined previously, Mitsubishi Heatpumps don't have smart integrations built-in, and their supported solution is massively backordered, so I set out to make my own.



I think I first designed these 10 years ago. This particular iteration was made in 20 minutes in Canva and are not the cleanest.

Smart Home
New Heatpump

New Heatpump

I recently had a heatpump installed as a replacement for my oil furnace which has been great, not only because I now have AC as well but also because I won't have to pay outrageous fuel prices.